As a member of Council for Adult Experiential Learning (CAEL), Ambassadors provide an opportunity to build a network of local experts throughout the country representing CAEL and extending its mission to catalyze and embed a focus on the adult learner’s current and lifelong learning goals that supports their success and enables them to proposer in a rapidly changing world.

The following information is needed to help CAEL select Ambassadors who are CAEL members, adult learner representatives of their community or region and is sincere in the service of CAEL’s mission: CAEL champions the adult learner and brings together educators, employers and regions to create solutions that integrate work and learning, and vision: Every adult has a pathway to lifelong learning and meaningful work.

Each applicant must complete and sign the Application and Agreement. Thank you for your interest.

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* 1. Are you a current CAEL member

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* 2. Please indicate your CAEL membership type

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* 3. After reviewing the CAEL Ambassador program description (located in the password protected member login portal), please share why you are interested in becoming a CAEL Ambassador?

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* 4. Please provide your full name

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* 5. Please provide your mailing address

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* 6. Please provide your cell number

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* 7. Please provide your email address

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* 8. Please list your current employer

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* 9. Current Job Title

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* 10. Please indicate the number of years of experience you have working with/for Adult Learners

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* 11. Please share your contributions and involvement with Adult Learners and/or Adult Learner Initiatives

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* 12. What qualities and/or contributions do you feel would make you a successful ambassador?

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* 13. I have read the CAEL Ambassador Program Description (located in the password protected member login portal)

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* 14. I understand the CAEL Ambassador Program goals and agree to commit to serve as an ambassador for two years and engage through the various engagement activities outlined in the program description

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* 15. Please add any additional information you would like to share about you and your interest in becoming a CAEL Ambassador

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* 16. By adding my full name below, I agree to meet the requirements of the CAEL Ambassador program