Thank you for your participation in this confidential survey. Your feedback is important to us. Please complete ONE survey for every child in your family that attends a school within the New Haven Unified School District. Please note that there are different surveys for Elementary, Middle School, and High School students.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your child's school.

Question Title

* 4. My child has been designated an English Learner.

DIRECTIONS: Please respond regarding your experience during the current 2024-25 academic year. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

Question Title


  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
The principal communicates effectively with parents.
The teachers communicate effectively with parents.
I regularly communicate with my child’s teacher(s).
The school gives me the information I need to support my child’s home learning.
I understand what I have to do in order to help my child be successful academically.

Question Title


  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I believe that daily school attendance is important for my child.
I have been informed of supports for school attendance or absences.
The school has high academic standards.
I am informed about my child’s academic progress.

Question Title


  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I believe the school curriculum reflects my child’s racial/ethnic identity.
I believe there is respect for different races / ethnicities in my child’s classroom.
I am comfortable talking to principals and teachers about issues of race/ethnicity and culture.
The school informs me about community resources and after school programs.
I know who to contact for resources (food, clothing, health, transportation).
The school supports the social-emotional development of my child.
The school introduces a variety of college and career pathways for my child.

Question Title


  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I know who to talk to if my child has academic difficulties.
I know who to contact if my child has social-emotional difficulties.
My child receives the academic help they need.
My child has developed a positive learning relationship(s) with their teacher(s).
I know who to contact at school to address my child’s needs.

Question Title


  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
We have consistent and reliable Wi-Fi Access at home.
I find the technology platforms helpful in supporting my child’s learning.

Question Title

* 10. My child does ___ hours of homework per week.

Question Title

* 11. Please rank the following areas, based on your experience so far in the 2024-25 school year.

  Needs Significant Improvement Adequate/Good Excellent
Academic Learning Opportunities
Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Programs
Communication about student academic progress
Communication to families
Diversity awareness and cultural appreciation
Leadership: Teachers & Principal(s)
Nutrition: Quality of School Lunches
Student opportunities for social emotional development
Technology Platforms

Question Title

* 12. What would you like to see as top priorities for our school district in 2025-26?

Thank you for completing this survey.