Officer Election & Annual Club Award - Official Voting
It’s that time of year when members of the Toledo Area Bicyclists are invited to vote for the club’s three annual award recipients and officers for the coming year. Please cast your votes as soon as possible. In addition, if you would like to have your 2019 outdoor mileage recognized, please provide that information in the appropriate space at the end of the ballot.
You have until Friday, January 17, to complete your ballot and submit mileage.

Thank you to all who submitted nominations. The ballot for the awards (with nominees in alphabetical order) was created based on those members whose nomination complied with the nominating criteria. The commentary for each nominee is a compilation of that received from nominators. 

Question Title

* 1. You must be a club member in order to vote. Family memberships have two votes but must submit separate ballots under separate names.

Please enter your Name.

(Must be a TAB member to Nominate)