Thanks for taking your time to complete our survey. This survey is anonymous and is a helpful way to improve our services for you.

Question Title

1. Centre or Deadly Kindy visited

Question Title

2. Date visited


Question Title

3. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
I benefit from coming here
My child benefits from coming here
Staff help me to access support services for my child
I have connected better with my child
I am satisfied overall

Question Title

4. How likely are you to recommend us to your family and friends?

Question Title

5. How did you hear about us?

Question Title

6. What is one thing we did really well?

Question Title

7. What other comments or suggestions do you have? What other activities or services would you like provided to support your child/children?

Question Title

8. Want to have a yarn with someone? Please only complete if you would like someone to contact you

Thank you for participating in our survey. The information you provide will enable us to provide a better service. ATSICHS Brisbane will not be able to personally identify you by the information you provide in your responses to this survey, unless you choose to provide your details and request us to contact you.

We will not disclose your personal information to third parties without your consent.

ATSICHS Brisbane is committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the Information Privacy Principles of the Information Privacy Act 2009.