Summit County Library Website
We Would Appreciate Your Feedback
How often do you visit the Summit County library website?
More than once a week
Once a week
A few times a month
Less than once a month
What do you use the website to find? (Check all that apply).
Hours/Closures and Contact information
The Online ‘Card’ Catalog
Free Events and Programs for Adults
Free Events and Programs for Teens
Free Events and Programs for Children
Reading Challenges (Summer or Winter)
Digital Resources (ebooks, newspapers etc)
Library News including new offerings
Volunteering Opportunities
Summit County Library Friends and Foundation
Material Donation Requirements
Other (please specify)
Is the website user friendly? (Check all that apply).
I can never find what I am looking for.
I can find what I need, but it takes time.
I do not explore the website. I always go to the same place.
I can always easily find what I need.
The website is bright and easy to use.
Other (please specify)
Which digital resources do you enjoy? (Check all that apply).
Movies/TV shows
Learning – classes and certifications
Language learning
Research Databases
Book recommendations
Travel Databases
Reading Challenges on Beanstack
Databases you would like us to add
What areas of the Summit County library website would you like to see improved? (Check all that apply).
Catalog Searching
Accessing Your Library Account
Searching programs at different locations
Children and teen information
Meeting and Study Room information
Library news such as new offerings
Volunteer information (Board, Friends, Foundation)
Digital Resources
Monthly Newsletters
Social Media
Community Events
Other (please specify other areas for improvement)
Where do you usually find out about events going on at the library? (Check all that apply).
Print Calendar or Flyers in the Library Buildings
Website Calendar
Email Newsletters
Social Media (Facebook/Instagram/ Twitter)
Summit Daily
Library Staff
Word of Mouth by Friends/Family in the Summit Co Community
None of the above
Other (please specify)
Any additional thoughts or ideas for the future?