Thank you for your interest in participating in the September 2024 to June 2025 Mentoring Program. The program offers a great opportunity for more recent graduates to learn from experienced graduates who can share their valuable perspectives and experience.

Who Should Participate

Mentors: Alumni who have graduated in 2019 or before.
Mentees: Alumni who have graduated in the years 2020 to 2024.

What’s Expected from Mentors

We suggest a minimum of quarterly phone, teleconference, or e-mail communications between mentor and mentee, and find that many pairs communicate informally through texts and e-mails in-between scheduled communications as needed.

In addition, the BCSSW Mentoring Program coordinators provide quarterly articles on timely topics such as mentoring relationship goals, leadership and teamwork, work-life balance, workplace challenges, and career goals. While we supply a suggested agenda for the interactions, there is flexibility to use the time however the mentee/mentor choose. We are also available as a resource for mentors as questions arise.