Welcome: IMA Resolution Prioritization Survey for Delegates

Hello Idaho Medical Association Members!

IMA just wrapped up our 2023 Annual House of Delegates Meeting, where your physician colleagues debated policy issues and voted on the IMA advocacy agenda for the coming year. As a physician-driven organization, IMA needs your help in determining which issues are of the greatest importance and highest priority for Idaho physicians in the coming year.
As a means to provide guidance to the IMA Board of Trustees on management of 2023-2024 IMA issues, please rank the following 2023 resolutions in order of importance to you and your practice. The Board will use this input at its next meeting to determine the top issues on which IMA will focus our advocacy agenda.
Please prioritize based on degree of importance.  Do not base your responses on degree of difficulty or cost, as the Board will take those factors into consideration during its analysis.
Keep in mind not every resolution is represented on this survey because some do not require ongoing advocacy action by IMA staff. Others were not adopted or withdrawn from consideration. Please be assured that, regardless of ranking, IMA will work to implement all resolutions adopted by the 2023 IMA House of Delegates.

Go HERE to review the full resolutions under the Reference Committee A and B materials link.
Thank you for your time.  Your opinion matters to IMA! 
Susie Keller

Question Title

* 1. Please rank the following Reference Committee A Resolutions in priority order.

Question Title

* 2. Please rank the following Reference Committee B Resolutions in priority order.

Thank you for participating in this survey!