Exit ICA Parent Survey LCAP 2023 Question Title * 1. I have _________________ children attend ICA 1 2 3 4 Question Title * 2. I am confident that my child will get a quality education at Independence Charter Academy (ICA). Yes No...If no, please explain. If no, please explain. Question Title * 3. I feel that my child is in a safe and welcoming environment when attending Independence Charter Academy (ICA). Yes No... If no, please explain. N/A If no, please explain. Question Title * 4. I believe that Independence Charter Academy (ICA) has high expectations for my child(ren). Yes No Question Title * 5. I feel welcome at Independence Charter Academy (ICA). Yes No Question Title * 6. Are you aware of the volunteer opportunities at Independence Charter Academy (ICA)? Yes No...If no, please explain. If no, please explain. Question Title * 7. I have attended School or District events held this year In Person or Virtually. Yes No Question Title * 8. Are the School's current programs meeting the needs of your child? Yes No...If no, please explain. If no, please explain. Question Title * 9. I would recommend Independence Charter Academy (ICA) to other parents as a quality School where children learn. Yes No...If no, please explain. If no, please explain. Question Title * 10. I believe there is effective communication between Independence Charter Academy (ICA) and parents. Yes No...If no, please explain. If no, please explain. Question Title * 11. Are you aware that annually completing the meal applications significantly impacts school funding and programs whether you qualify or not? Yes No Question Title * 12. A real strength of Independence Charter Academy (ICA) is… Question Title * 13. What is one suggestion to improve Independence Charter Academy (ICA)? Done