Welcome to the MDUUC Survey


This survey offers you an opportunity to share your experiences, opinions and preferences about MDUUC. The survey is designed to help better inform us about who we are as a congregation and how MDUUC is doing in fulfilling its mission. The results will be used by the ministers, the Board of Trustees, our Councils and our committees for guidance and planning.

There is additional purpose for this survey. We are in the initial phase of what is called a “search process” for an Assistant Minister for 2017 and Lifespan Director of Religious Education. The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) encourages congregations to conduct Search surveys, whose findings will aid the congregation match its needs and wants with the skills and talents of candidates.

Online instructions: Once you begin, we encourage you not to go back to a previous page to change an answer. If you do, be careful not to refresh the page as it might erase all of your answers up to that point. Please know that you will have the option at the end of the survey to comment and make a note about any corrections to your responses. Be assured that we will make the corrections you requested.

Thank you in advance for taking the time and thought to make MDUUC better.

***Only members of the MDUUC Committee on Ministry, which monitors the survey project, have access to who completes the survey. Otherwise, all answers and comments are confidential and the results are presented in a way not to reveal the identity of any individual who responded to the survey. Anonymous responses will not be included in the analysis of results. Members of the MDUUC Committee on Ministry welcome any additional feedback you wish to offer beyond the scope or timing of this survey. For questions contact***