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Live and Local is a capacity building project which will focus on strengthening and supporting local live music communities including musicians, businesses and venues, local councils and local industry workers across Gympie, Noosa, Sunshine Coast, Moreton Bay, and Redlands. The project includes three main tiers:
- Planning and strategy development with local government
- Industry-focussed professional development
- Programming and delivery of micro-festivals across each region.

This musician/artist survey will help map the South East Queensland North (SEQN) music sector and inform planning and policy/strategy development being undertaken between Live Music Office and each Council. Data will also contribute to Creative Arts Alliance’s project reporting and future program / project development.

The survey is likely to take 5 - 10 minutes to complete.

Information or data used from the survey will have any identifying characteristics removed to protect the identities of respondents.

Thanks very much for taking the time to complete this survey. It’s gratefully appreciated.

Creative Arts Alliance

Question Title

* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. Do you identify as:

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* 3. What is your gender?

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* 4. In which suburb is your home located?

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* 5. Do you perform your own original music?

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* 6. How long have you been performing / writing / recording music?

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* 7. Genre/s of music you perform:

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* 8. Do you receive an income from music?

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* 9. How much would you or your band/group normally charge for a 1 hour set?

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* 10. How many gigs do you perform a year including paid and unpaid, solo or in a band?

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* 11. What are some of the barriers you face when trying to secure gigs?

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* 12. Does a significant portion of your music industry activity occur in your local government area?

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* 13. Have you toured to other regions in the last 5 years as a soloist or with a band? If so where have you toured? And how often do you tour?

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* 14. What are some of the barriers to touring?

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* 15. On average, how many people attend your gigs?

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* 16. When planning a live show what do you consider your top three most important factors?

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* 17. Do you generate revenue through any of the following streams?

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* 18. Did you access any income support during the COVID pandemic?

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* 19. What skills do you most want to develop to support your career?

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* 20. Are you a member of any of the following organisations?

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* 21. How do you think regional councils can support their local live music industry?

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* 22. Have you successfully applied for funding to support your music career/business?

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* 23. Do you use local services and businesses to support your music business activities? (for instance collateral printing, merchandise or digital marketing campaigns, recording studios etc.)

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* 24. How often do you participate in professional development opportunities related to your music career / music business?

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* 25. How do you promote yourself / your music / your business?

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* 26. How connected do you feel to other members of the music industry outside your local area?

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* 27. How connected do you feel with other members of the music industry locally

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* 28. Please suggest three factors that would have the most significant impact on the success of your music career

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* 29. Please suggest three barriers to your personal development, business or career

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