Summer Program - Red Barn Youth Center Question Title * 1. How satisfied are you with the current range of activities offered? Satisfied Dissatisfied Question Title * 2. Which types of activities are you interested in? Select all that apply Outdoor sports Art and crafts Life Skills Community service Music and dance Cooking classes Gardening Question Title * 3. What specific activity would you like to see offered? Question Title * 4. Would you prefer activities that are more physically active or more creative? More physically active More creative A mix of both Question Title * 5. How important is it for activities to include a social component, like making new friends? Very important Somewhat important Not important Question Title * 6. What field trips would you like offered this summer? Beach Mountain Biking Roller Skating Disc Golf Splash Pad Hiking Zoo Fishing Question Title * 7. What days are best for you to participate in field trips/ activities? Select all that apply Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Question Title * 8. How likely is it that you would recommend Red Barn Youth Center to a friend? 0 10 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Done