In summer of 2011, WPLC submitted a "wishlist" of features to OverDrive for development. Many of the requests have been addressed through the website redesign and OverDrive updates, or they are likely to be addressed with the upcoming new Content Reserve and next generation service, expected before the end of 2012.

WPLC is preparing a new wishlist for OverDrive, and would like your assistance in prioritizing the remaining features from the previous wishlist and identifying additional features that would be helpful for patrons and staff.

Please complete the survey below, rating the priority of the list and adding any features you'd like to see that are not in the list.

Question Title

* 1. Library name:

Question Title

* 2. Your name:

Question Title

* 3. Your email:

Question Title

* 4. Below is a list of features that have not yet been developed. Please rate the importance of each feature to your library's staff and patrons:

  Top priority High priority Medium priority Somewhat low priority Very low priority N/A
When searching on a mobile device, add the option to see all formats, even those that don’t work on the device.
An opt-in list of all titles a patron has borrowed
Allow titles to be renewed if there are no pending holds
Automatically moving titles from the list of titles they would like to get to their hold queue when they are below their hold limit.
A way for patrons to keep track of titles that they want when they have reached their hold limit.
Have the “Just Back In” list include only titles that are currently available for
Ability to search multiple formats at one time from advanced search
Having consistent login process for web version and the mobile apps
Allow librarians to replace barcode numbers when patrons lose cards
Have more content included in keyword searching, including the summary
A “did you mean” feature for spelling errors
Place a link or button to the full website on the mobile site so users have the option to use the full-featured site, if they would like
Ability to return all formats
Ability for patrons to suspend holds
Ability to save the card number when logging in on a PC.
More depth in subject searching
Ability to see only available titles without first performing a search in iPad/iPod app