All Together - Teen Residential. Please fill out this survey to get registered, we will contact you with further information should you be successful in a gaining a space, places are limited.

All Together is a project from the charity Little Troopers bringing military children together.

When: Friday 19th - 21st July 2024
Where: Shacklewell Hollow, Rutland
What: A weekend of outdoor adventurous activities with other military children.
Who: Military children 13 years +
How much: The weekend is funded so no cost however it is your responsibility to ensure you get your child(ren) to and from the activity centre. Accommodation, food and activities included.
Application: Please complete a form per child

Timetable of activities:
Day 1
- Arrive at Centre/Introductions and welcome/Settle in & normal safety procedures
- Scavenger Hunt & Campfire
Day 2
- Orienteering, Giant Go Karts, Archery
- Capture the Flag & Water Slide
Day 3
- Bushcraft, Crate Staking,
- Farewells and departures

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* 1. At the time of the residential will your child have one or both parents deployed?

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* 2. Has your teen attended a Little Troopers residential previously?

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* 3. Please complete the details for the child you are applying to attend

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* 4. What service is your family a part of?

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* 5. Does your child have any dietary restrictions? (Select all that apply.)

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* 6. Are there any activities your child would not want to participate in?

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* 7. As a charity, we often have families booking on to free events and then cancelling nearer the time. While we understand that sometimes children can't make events due to illness, please could we ask that you only register if you are available and committed to attending. By submitting this form, you are confirming that if your application is successful, you would accept a place on the weekend

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* 8. Please complete your contact information