Poster Session Proposal Form

A poster session is a low-key way to share with your colleagues!

It is a great opportunity way to spread the word about program innovations, new teaching routines, exciting classroom activities, etc.

The poster sessions will be held from 1:15-2 on Thursday, August 20.

Question Title

* 1. Primary Presenter Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. Intended Audience (check all that apply);

Question Title

* 3. Title of Poster Session:

Question Title

* 4. What do you hope people will learn from your poster session? Or, what action would you like people to take after visiting your poster?

Question Title

* 5. Materials/handouts that participants will receive:

Question Title

* 6. Poster Session Summary (for flyer - 30 words maximum):

Question Title

* 7. All presenters will be provided with a table. You will need to bring your poster, easel, etc. Do you need access to electricity?