Thanks to funding from NMDOH, NMASBHC is offering up to 6 awards up to $50K each for SBHC planning and expansion. Additionally, we have 2-4 awards available for up to $50,000 depending on project submitted, budget, size of school, etc. for special projects.

Level 2 SBHC Planning Grants will allow grantees to assess and plan for new SBHCs or expansion of current SBHC services. This can include new brick and mortar SBHCs, new hours of services at existing SBHCs, new telehealth services, and new mobile SBHC services. Level 2 SBHC planning grants are available to previous SBHC planning grantees or organizations with history and documentation of previous SBHC experience or planning activities.

Special Project funding is available to existing SBHC sponsors who would like to pilot special projects with their current SBHC operations. For example, expanding care to serve early childhood programs, pilot new youth outreach or leadership programs, or other innovative initiatives to address community needs.

Question Title

* 1. Name of applicant organization

Question Title

* 2. Type of organization

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* 3. Mailing address to send funds if awarded

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* 4. Primary contact person

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* 5. Primary contact email

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* 6. Primary contact phone

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* 7. Name of other primary contact for this application

Question Title

* 8. Type of grant applying for