Please take a few moments to complete this brief survey. Your input will help us improve library services.

Question Title

* 1. LOCATION - Which library location(s) do you visit? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. USAGE - How has your use of the library changed over the past year and why?

Question Title

* 3. STAFF - Please indicate how you would rate the customer service skills of library staff:

Question Title

* 4. TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANCE - Please indicate how you would rate the technology assistance you received from library staff and volunteers:

Question Title

* 5. EQUIPMENT & RESOURCES - Please indicate your opinion of the following library technology resources:

  Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor N/A
Computers & iMacs
Laptops & tablets for checkout
Wi-Fi access
Cameras & equipment for checkout
Printer, copier, and scanner
DIY & makerspace: Glowforge, 3D printer, Cricut, sewing machine

Question Title

* 6. FACILITIES - Please rate the condition of our facilities in each of these categories:

  Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor N/A
Quiet Spaces
Meeting & study rooms
idea labs (technology lab)
Outdoor spaces

Question Title

* 7. COLLECTION QUALITY - Please rate the quality of the following collection categories:

  Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor N/A
Adult fiction books
Adult nonfiction books
Kids books
Young adult books
eBooks from Libby/Overdrive
eAudiobooks from Libby/Overdrive
eMagazines from Libby/Overdrive

Question Title

* 8. COLLECTION IDEAS - Which parts of the library collection would you like to see improved?

Question Title

* 9. MARKETING - Have you heard about these library services?

  Yes A little No
Book Discussion Kits
Home Delivery
New York Times online
Sensory Bags
Martin Digital History (

Question Title

* 10. PREFERRED NEWS MEDIA - Which are your preferred ways of learning about events and services in the community?

Question Title

* 11. AGE - What is your age group?

Question Title

* 12. COMMENTS - Please share any additional comments.

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. We appreciate your feedback.

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