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2025 Community Litter Index Score Sheet
How does it work?
Keep Collier Beautiful conducts an annual Community Litter Index to monitor levels of litter and debris, so that we can take action and clean up specific locations. We need volunteers to report from various areas in the community, so that we ensure accurate representation.
As a volunteer, we ask that you walk, bike, or drive to 10 different locations in your neighborhood. Once you are safely stopped, observe litter in the area and assign the location a score as described below. Your report will be compiled with additional volunteers for a community-wide assessment that will be shared with local leaders and Keep America Beautiful.
This assessment can be completed in 1-2 hours of your time. Once completed, your time can be recorded for community service hours.
1 – “Minimal or No Litter” - Any trash could be collected quickly by one individual. Generally tidy appearance.
2 – “Slightly Littered” - A small amount of litter. The site could be cleaned in a short time.
3 – “Littered” - Visible litter catches your eye frequently. Considerable effort to clean.
4 – “Extremely Littered” - Litter is the first thing noticed and might include and illegal dump. Strong impression of a lack of concern about litter.
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