March 20-22, 2025 New Orleans

Dear Colleague,

The 2025 Association of Chiropractic Colleges Educational Conference and Research Agenda Conference (ACCRAC) scientific submissions committee invites original research and studies that will promote the dissemination and discussion of new information.

The abstract due date is September 1, 2024. For more information about this conference, please visit

Once you have completed your submission, click the "done" button. A confirmation message will show on the next screen with the successful upload of your information.

The primary author will receive an email confirmation within 5 to 10 business days from the submission date. Therefore, we recommend you submit your abstract in advance of the deadline.

Thank you for your submission.

2025 ACC-RAC Peer Review Chair
Submission Categories: The 2025 ACCRAC scientific submissions committee invites original research and studies that will promote the dissemination and discussion of new information in the following categories:
· Education (e.g., classroom research, quantitative/qualitative education research, descriptive reports, etc.)
· Basic Science (e.g., experimental trials, quantitative basic science research, etc.)
· Clinical (e.g., clinical trials, quant/qual clinical research, cohort studies, etc.)
· Public Health (e.g., population health studies, preventive care, etc.)
· Case studies (e.g., clinical case reports or case series.)

Audience: academic administrators, faculty members, researchers, and private practitioners.
Abstract submission due date – Sunday, September 1, 2024
  • Word count 195 words maximum (does not include title in word count). The abstract will be published in proceedings in the Journal of Chiropractic Education if it is accepted and the presenter has registered.
  • Abstract subheadings
    • Research study subheadings: Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
    • Case study subheadings: Objective, Clinical Features, Intervention/Outcome, Conclusion.
  • Blinding Do not include author names in title or text.
  • Language English
  • Ethics requirements
    • Human subjects (surveys, observational, experimental) - provide signed approval, expedited review, or exemption letter from the Ethics chair.
    • Case studies - patient consent to publish form from your institution, a journal, or a letter if your institution also requires REB/IRB ethics review.
    • Animal studies - provide documentation by proper Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUC) or country-specific equivalent committees.
    • Studies not involving human subject data (eg, literature reviews) do not require an ethics document, but a note of declaration.
Authors The corresponding author is responsible for communications and information for all authors. All authors must qualify as an author and are responsible for all content (for information about authorship visit Presenting author(s) must be listed as an author at the time of submission, register, and attend the conference. Submission is a commitment from authors of accepted submissions to present at the conference. A presenting author who does not register and present an accepted work (platform or poster) will be disqualified from submitting/presenting for the following two years.

Accuracy It is the corresponding author’s responsibility to check for spelling and accuracy of names of authors and abstract contents when entering information to the submission website. The information entered is what will be included in the proceedings if the abstract is accepted.

Allowed -abstracts previously presented at other conferences or recent papers that have been published after March 21, 2024.

Not allowed -concept proposals, projects ideas, a project started but no data, abstracts previously presented at this conference. Papers that have been published prior to March 20, 2024 are not allowed and will be rejected.
Important Information:
  1. The corresponding author (first author) is responsible for proper submission of all items and all correspondence. Please do not send communications through a third party, staff member, or co-authors.
  2. Presentation of an accepted work (platform or poster) is expected. The presenter may be any author (primary or coauthor) of the work. Only primary or coauthors are allowed to be a presenter at the conference. Non-authors are not allowed to present the study. The presenting author must register by the registration due date (December 1, 2024) and attend the conference to present. A presenting author who does not register and present an accepted work (platform or poster) will be disqualified from submitting/presenting for the following two years.
  3. It is the presenting author’s responsibility to secure funding, visas, and any other requirements to register and attend the conference. It is strongly recommended that these items are secured or confirmed in advance of submission. Once a submission is accepted, registration for the conference is required, or the invitation to present will be revoked. Only authors may be presenters at the conference.
  4. Due to time and space limitations, there is a maximum of 2 presentations per presenter.
  5. If a submission does not meet the submission requirements (e.g., not a completed research study, missing items, etc.), it will not be considered. The ACC-RAC peer review chair will not contact authors if any submission does not meet the requirements. Notification will be sent out as a rejection notice.
  6. The authors may be required to provide additional information for any item that is submitted. This may be for internal quality control purposes or to check on materials if a concern is raised.
  7. If the peer review committee confirms that there is an inappropriate submission, it will be disqualified. Examples of inappropriate submissions include, but are not limited to: submissions that have been previously submitted at ACC-RAC, incomplete submissions, papers published prior to March 20, 2024, concept submissions without complete data and analysis, duplicate submissions, lack of ethics/subject approval where necessary, non-authors listed as authors, plagiarized work, etc.
  8. Only submissions made to the official conference submission site for ACC-RAC will be considered. No faxed, mailed, e-mailed, or hand-delivered submissions will be considered.
Peer Review of Abstracts: Submissions will be reviewed by the peer review committee based upon the following criteria: completeness, the strength of contribution, scholarly rigor, evidence of results, and relevance to the conference.

Important dates
September 1, 2024 abstract submissions are due
November 1, 2024
authors are notified of platform, poster, or rejection
December 1, 2024 all presenters must be registered
March 5, 2025 platform presenters submit PowerPoint file to ACC
March 20-22, 2025 attend the ACCRAC in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

If you have questions, please contact If you have questions, please contact Peer Review Chair Dr. Claire Johnson at
Please check for spelling and accuracy of names of authors and abstract content when entering the information. The information you input here is what will be included in the proceedings if your abstract is accepted.

Question Title

* 1. First Author (Corresponding Author)

Question Title

* 2. Second Author

Question Title

* 3. Third Author

Question Title

* 4. Fourth Author

Question Title

* 5. Fifth Author

Question Title

* 6. If there are more than 5 authors, please list additional authors in order here. Include full name, academic institution, conflicts of interest and email of each additional author. (if no other authors, please leave blank)

Question Title

* 7. Presenting Author's Name. The presenting author is required to register and attend the conference. Only authors may make the presentation.

Question Title

* 8. I confirm that a paper of this abstract has not been published prior to March 20, 2024. I understand that it is acceptable if this abstract has been presented at another conference or that the paper is under review at a journal.

Question Title

* 9. Title of abstract submission. Please limit title to no more than 25 words.

Question Title

* 10. Which topic category best fits your abstract submission?

Question Title

* 11. Paste your 195-word maximum abstract in the box below. NOTE: Any text beyond 195 words will be truncated. 
Abstract subheadings
  • Research study subheadings: Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
  • Case study subheadings: Objective, Clinical Features, Intervention/Outcome, Conclusion.
Paste abstract only. Do not include title. Do not include references, figures, tables.

Question Title

* 12. Paper Award Competition. If your abstract is accepted for platform or poster presentation, do you want to participate in the paper award competition? Your paper does not need to be ready at this time and the competition is not mandatory (it is optional). Please select one choice below so we will know if we should invite you to the award competition should your abstract be accepted.

Question Title

* 13. Ethics. Please select one of the following as it relates to ethics review and approval/exemption of your study.

Question Title

* 14. Please upload your ethics letter/document (approval or exemption), or your case report patient consent form here (case consent you may use the permission to present/publish from your institution, or use the one for this conference, which is found on If your submission is a systematic review (or similar), upload a Word document with a short statement explaining the study design and that no human subjects' data were collected.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 15. Terms & Conditions:

1. As authors, we understand that submitting an abstract is a commitment to present if accepted. At least one author of the accepted submission will register no later than the due date. 
2. We understand that a presenting author who does not register and present an accepted work (platform or poster) will be disqualified from submitting/presenting for the following two years.
3. We understand that withdrawing after acceptance will remove the abstract from the proceedings. There are no refunds for registration fees. 
4. As authors, we confirm that each of us is qualified as an author of this presentation according to ICMJE criteria; each has been active in the actual project, research and/or analysis of the data. Each author is capable of defending all contents. We declare that all authors listed in this form satisfy the 4 ICMJE authorship criteria (as stated on and that no people deserving to be authors have been omitted. 
5. As authors, we have listed all relevant conflicts of interest.
6. As authors, we understand that presentations may not be used to market products or services. All presentations are to be done in a non-commercial and non-self-promotional manner.
7. By submitting this abstract, we give permission for presentation by the presenting author.
8. As authors, we give permission for the accepted abstract to be printed in a supplemental conference proceeding in the Journal of Chiropractic Education. This will still allow us to publish any full and completed paper in any journal we wish. We recognize that the Conference reserves the right to publish the abstract, video, or any details or data submitted for the purposes of the Conference either in electronic or printed format before, during and after the Conference.
9. For any research that requires ethics review, if asked we will provide additional proper documentation (IRB/REB/Ethics approval) since this is a requirement to present at the conference.
10. As authors we understand that any submitted abstract that is suspected of involving scientific misconduct or ethics issues will be addressed using the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and may be subject to immediate rejection.

Click here to accept the terms and conditions for submitting abstracts

Click the "done" button to complete your submission.

NOTE: A confirmation message will show on the next screen with the successful upload of your information.

The primary author will receive an email confirmation within 5 to 10 business days from the submission date. We recommend you submit your abstract in advance of the deadline. 

Thank you for your submission.