2025 ACA Annual Business Conference (ABC) Call for Proposals |
Call for Proposals
Before completing this proposal submission form, please review the Proposal Guidelines document at: (Insert direct link)
Please remember the following when submitting Ballot Proposals for the 2025 ABC:
Please remember the following when submitting Ballot Proposals for the 2025 ABC:
- Only groups (meetings, Intergroups and Regions) that are registered with WSO, as well as the WSO Board and WSO Committees, are eligible to submit a Proposal.
- All proposals submitted should be the result of an informed group conscience discussion within the submitting group.
- Each Proposal issue should be singular in nature and be accompanied by supporting background information. In addition, there is an option to add information about resources and implementation of your Proposal. Please use each section for its intended purpose.
- Proposals should be specific and address matters of concern to ACA as a whole.
- Each Proposal can be a maximum of 75 words and the related background can be a maximum of 250 words. The optional field covering potential resources and implementation can be up to 300 words.
- Proposals are due by September 30, 2024
- The Ballot Prep Committee may contact your group to obtain clarity, to encourage coordination with a relevant WSO Committee, or to discuss combining similar Proposals.
- Once submitted, your group will have an opportunity to make changes to your Proposal until October 31, 2024.
If your written Proposal is ready to submit, please proceed to the next section. If not, please close this survey and continue developing your Proposal with your group.
If you have any questions, you can contact the Ballot Prep Committee at bpc@adultchildren.org
If you have any questions, you can contact the Ballot Prep Committee at bpc@adultchildren.org
NOTE: In all parts of this submission form, an asterisk (*) means an answer is required. None of the required personal information will be published anywhere. It is only used for validation purposes.