Nomination Form -- Submission deadline December 13, 2024

The Larry Kallemeyn Award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated in the Rainy-Lake of the Woods watershed:
  • outstanding professional achievement in scientific research or resource management
  • significant contributions to collaborative and cooperative approaches to research or resource management

The Award will be presented at the International Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Forum (March, 2025) when there’s a deserving recipient as determined by the selection committee.

Questions? Contact Todd Sellers, LOWWSF, 866-370-8891

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* 1. I nominate the following person for the 2025 Larry Kallemeyn Award:

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* 2a) Nominator's Contact Information

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* 2b) I am making this nomination:

3. Give top 3 reasons or examples of how the nominee exemplifies the Award criteria of: "outstanding professional achievements in scientific research or resource management in the Rainy-Lake of the Woods watershed".

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* 3a) Reason / Example 1.

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* 3b) Reason / Example 2.

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* 3c) Reason / Example 3

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* 4. Describe how the nominee has contributed to collaboration or cooperative approaches in the Rainy-Lake of the Woods watershed".

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* 5. Please provide a brief professional biography or resume about the nominee

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* 6. List up to 5 selected papers / publications of the nominee, relevant to this award.

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* 7. Please provide any other reasons why you believe the nominee should receive the Kallemeyn Award.