The types of ideas Mosaic is looking to support this year:

Regional Movement Infrastructure Hubs:
  • Mosaic intends to support regional movement infrastructure hubs in the Rocky Mountains, the Midwest, the South, and Appalachia. These hubs will build long-term, cross-field, movement infrastructure, and in the near term, advance a three-pronged IRA+ implementation infrastructure strategy: (1) Serving as a coordinating entity to bolster, build, and bridge authentic partnerships between government, non-profits, and communities; (2) providing backbone capacity services to mobilize organizations in their region and provide or matchmake for technical assistance as needed; and (3) providing the critical communications infrastructure to raise awareness and activate narrative strategies.

Cross-Field Communications Activators:
  • Mosaic intends to support cross-field communications activators focused on addressing critical gaps in communications capacity related to the implementation of these federal laws. These activators will (1) raise awareness of federal climate laws in rural and energy communities, and (2) activate communications campaigns to generate and distribute compelling success stories of where implementation has gone well. These efforts aim to raise awareness and engagement in grant programs and effectively share success stories to generate enthusiasm around IRA successes.
Mosaic is accepting concept notes through February 29th.