
PennDOT takes very seriously its commitment to safe travel year-round. Please share your feedback on our performance this construction/summer maintenance season so we can identify potential strengths and opportunities, as well as the ways in which you rely on us for information.

Please note that all responses are anonymous unless you choose to provide your contact information.

Question Title

* 1. What is your primary mode(s) of transportation? (Of all the trips you take in a week what mode(s) do you use most frequently?)

Question Title

* 2. In your daily travel, do you encounter any of the following:

  Yes, often Yes, occasionally No
Highway congestion
Not knowing about traffic tie-ups or road construction in advance
Rough pavement or potholes
Interaction with pedestrians and bicyclists
Aggressive, distracted, or impaired drivers
Long traffic queues at work zones

Question Title

* 3. How often does PennDOT meet or exceed your expectations in each of the following areas:

  All of the time Most of the time Some of the time Rarely Never
Providing smooth roads
Making effective road repairs on a timely basis
Providing reasonable and predictable travel times on trips that you drive regularly
Removal of tire rubber, dead deer, and other debris from the roads
Providing opportunities for input and involvement in bridge and highway planning
Providing adequate notice of construction and work zones
Keeping the public informed regarding plans for road or bridge construction and repair
7% of survey complete.