We appreciate your help and look forward to seeing you on Saturday, June 1st!

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* 1. Please enter your complete contact information.

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* 4. (OPTIONAL) Emergency Contact Info

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* 5. Please note if you require any accessibility accommodations. A staff member may reach out to you to discuss how we can help to make participation easier/possible.

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* 7. Questions or Comments:

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This is a release of legal rights. Carefully read and understand before agreeing. 

For and in consideration of being permitted to participate in any activities at the Open House at Touchstone Center for Crafts ("Touchstone"), I, the undersigned, acknowledge under sound state of mind, that I will be engaging in activities that involve risk of injury, permanent disability and death, property damage, and severe social and economic loss which may arise from the my own or another's actions, inactions, or negligence, including other risks not foreseeable at this time. I understand that in any activity I may use inherently dangerous tools, equipment, chemicals, or substances. I agree to accept the risks involved with the use of the aforementioned.

I understand that my behavior can affect my personal safety and the safety of others involved in Touchstone activities. I will act according to Touchstone’s policies, including those described in the Participant Guide (available at www.touchstonecrafts.org), and all information, policies, and procedures provided to me by Touchstone, its staff and volunteer coordinators. I understand that failure to comply may result in my dismissal from Touchstone at its discretion and my expense.

Additionally, I understand that Touchstone does not provide medical assessments or care in the event of any medical emergency. First Aid kits are provided to those who wish to treat their own minor injuries; it is Touchstone’s policy to contact 911 in the event of a medical emergency. An EMS vehicle will be on the premises during the event, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Uniontown Hospital and MedExpress Urgent Care Center are both approximately a 20-minute drive from Touchstone's campus.

I/we, the undersigned, agree to hereby voluntarily RELEASE, DISCHARGE, WAIVE and RELINQUISH any and all actions directed towards Touchstone, its administrators, board of directors, employees/staff members, volunteers, and instructors, (the “Released Parties”), from any liability that may arise from myself, my heirs, estate, next of kin, executors, my child(ren), or anyone else acting on my behalf, including any claim, demand or loss on account of personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death, whether cause or alleged to be caused by whole or in part by the negligence of the Released Parties or otherwise. Furthermore, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties for any claim(s), demand(s), suit(s), cost(s), or judgement(s) arising out of any injury, illness, death, or property damage arising from or in connection with my participation in any activities related to the Open House at Touchstone. 

I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the foregoing in its entirety and that I have opted to agree by checking below voluntarily and will abide by said terms of agreement as set forth by Touchstone.