*Elements are "Bolded"

Question Title

* 1. Judge's Full Name

Question Title

* 3. Title: Should be clear, concise, reflect the content and draw interest of attendees

Question Title

* 4. Visual Appeal: Adequate whitespace, easy to follow format, font is easy to read (large enough, appropriate font choice), visuals have significance and are appropriate to the content. Poster is self-explanatory.

Question Title

* 5. Background and significance to advance nursing practice: Problem is clearly identified. Significance to the CNS role and clinical practice is clear.

Question Title

* 6. Purpose/Objective: Adequately describes the purpose/intent of the project.

Question Title

* 7. Evaluation/Outcome: outcomes are clearly demonstrated with metrics that include post-data collection, project limitations. If applicable, cost savings metrics are included if applicable.

Question Title

* 8. Discussion/Implications: lessons learned from the project are adequately defined, implications to advance nursing practice, clinical practice, and/or future research are addressed.

Question Title

* 9. Level of Impact

Question Title

* 10. Overall Comments