Arts Hero Nomination Form 2023

The Emerging Creative Award highlights a breakthrough creative leader who is starting to blossom as an impactful and innovative contributor to the Connecticut arts scene at the Connecticut Arts Awards.
An emerging creative is someone who exhibits commitment and promise in being a leader in the arts community, is a creative engine behind new projects and initiatives, and has a vision for creative life in CT.

If you know a special someone who fits this description, please take a moment to nominate this individual. Self-nominations will be accepted. This year, the Connecticut Office of the Arts will recognize up to three (3) Emerging Creatives.

The deadline to submit a nomination is Friday, September 6, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

The Emerging Creative Awards will be presented on Wednesday, April 2, 2025, along with the Connecticut Arts Hero Awards, which honor and celebrate Connecticut residents who are doing inspiring things in, for, or through the arts in Connecticut.

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* 1. Please enter the nominee's information below:

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* 2. Please Indicate which region your nominee works (i.e. where they engage in and/or support the arts).

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* 3. Do you know where your nominee lives?  If yes, please Indicate the region.

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* 4. Tell us about your nominee. How do they engage in and/or support the arts? (200 words max)

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* 5. In what ways does your nominee fit the criteria for an emerging creative?
We define "emerging" as "coming forth as a breakthrough voice, making waves on the radar, and picking up momentum" (150 words max)

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* 6. How would you describe the community they work in, for, or with? (150 words max)

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* 7. In what way is their and approach innovative?
We define "innovative" as "leading new initiatives and championing new ideas that are engaging the arts community" (150 words max)

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* 8. What projects or initiatives have they been the creative lead on in the past 3 years? (150 words max)

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* 9. What is their vision for the future of the communities they touch? (150 words max)

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* 10. Use this text box to provide live links to supporting materials, such as newspaper articles, publications, photos, resume OR type "None".

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* 11. Please provide information about yourself (the nominator).

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* 12. What is your relationship to the nominee? How long have you known this individual?

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* 13. Optional - for publication purposes.
Please provide a quote (a sentence or 2) that sums up what makes this person an Emerging Creative.