Greetings Student Scholar:

Your feedback is needed.  We will use this information to improve the school experience for all students.  Your responses are confidential and anonymous. 

Thank you!

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* 2. What grade are you in?

The next questions ask for information about you. You do not have to answer this question if you do not want to.

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* 3. What is your race or ethnicity?  Check all that apply

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* 4. Describe how you feel right now today, about how school went for you this year. Check all that apply.

Indicate if you agree or disagree with the following sentences about your school.

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* 5. My school has books, posters, and other materials with people that look like me.

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* 6. Adults at my school treat all students with respect.

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* 7. My teachers are there when I need to talk to them.

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* 8. My teachers care about me.

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* 9. Students at my school are bullied by other students.

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* 10. Students at my school are teased or picked on by others.

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* 11. Students at my school try to stop bullying when they see it.

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* 12. At my school, students work on listening to others.

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* 13. What is one thing the school can do to improve how students interact with each other to create healthy relationships at your school?

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* 14. What is one thing you can do to improve how students interact with each other to create healthy relationships at your school?

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* 15. Students at my school are kind to each other.

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* 16. My teachers believe I can learn.

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* 17. My teachers are interested in what I have to say.

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* 18. I feel like I am part of my school.

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* 19. I feel safe at my school.

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* 20. I feel like I belong at my school.

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* 21. The work I do in class makes me think.

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* 22. I care about doing well in school.

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* 23. My teachers help me when I need it.

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* 24. Being a student is an important part of who I am.

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* 25. The things I learn in school are important to me.

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* 26. I get to choose what kinds of books I read sometimes.

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* 27. When I work with a group in math class, I learn more because we can share our ideas.

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* 28. In math, when a problem seems hard at first, I know that if I keep trying, I can eventually figure it out.

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* 29. When I am learning, I often find myself thinking hard and trying my best to figure things out.

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* 30. I look forward to what we are going to learn next.

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* 31. I feel ready for my next level of learning. 

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* 32. What do you want next year's teachers to know about you?

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* 33. I can talk to a teacher or other adult at my school about something that is bothering me.

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* 34. The adults at my school help me learn how to manage my feelings and make good choices.

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* 35. My teachers make learning fun.

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* 36. What advice would you tell someone new coming to your school?

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* 37. Tell us about your favorite experience in school this year.

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* 38. What question do you wish we had asked you today?