Dear Coordinator,

Please complete and submit this survey by September 30, 2024 to be eligible for a $100 stipend to use towards your school's goals as they relate to resource management and environmental education. A maximum of 50 schools will receive the stipend.

Once this survey is completed, your school will be eligible to compete in the county-wide competitions and collection programs, receive logistical support from the Green Schools Program, and also be eligible for grant funding for resource management projects. Please note that schools can enroll at any point in the school year, but in order to be eligible for the $100 stipend, schools must meet the deadline above.

When completing this survey please refer to the Green Schools Program Guide for more details regarding the collections and contests available to schools.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your participation!

Lisa Rogers
Green Schools Coordinator

All schools enrolled in the Green Schools Program are also required to fill out a Bench-marking survey every five years. This survey is a bit lengthy and might require assistance from other staff members at your school. As it was required in 2020, all schools will be required to complete it again in 2025.

Question Title

* 1. School Name

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* 2. School District

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* 3. School Address

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* 4. What grade levels are represented at your school?

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* 5. Approximately how many students are in attendance?

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* 6. What hours is your school in session?

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* 7. Coordinator Information

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* 8. Co-Coordinator Information (optional)

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* 9. Does your school have a formal "Green Team" comprised of staff and students?

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* 10. If you answered "yes" to question 8, please briefly describe your student team. How are students chosen, how often do you meet, what are your goals, etc.?

2024-2025 Yearly Goals: To receive your 2024-2025 streamer, receive an End-of-Year celebration kit, be eligible for your $100 stipend, and qualify for awards, you must identify and complete a minimum of two Green School program activities.

You may refer to The Madison County Green Schools Program Guide for more information on county-sponsored programs.

Question Title

* 11. My school plans to participate in the following collection activities:
(If you have ideas for other ways to participate, please list them in the 'other' option.)

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* 12. My school also plans to take the following steps toward resource management and environmental health:

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* 13. The six competitions listed below will allow students to get creative and compete as individuals against students from other schools. Do you plan to promote any of these competitions with your school?

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* 14. Does your school plan to apply for a Madison County Green Seed Grant this year? The deadline for Green Seed Grant applications is January 10, 2025

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* 15. If you have never applied for a Green Seed Grant in the past, what has kept you from doing so?

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* 16. Our Green Schools Program requests and encourages photos to be submitted of the resource management efforts going on at your school. This could be as simple as a picture of a student recycling paper, or using a reusable water bottle, along with a very brief description.  Please submit at least two photos via email at the end of the school year, prior to or at the time of submitting your End of Year Survey.

These photos will be used to showcase the efforts going on at your school. If students' faces are in the photos, we will ask permission before sharing any of them on any of our platforms. 

Do you agree to submit photos of these efforts going on at your school?

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* 17. Please rate the accuracy of the following statement: The adult members of our school community (staff, administration, parents) are generally interested and supportive of school resource management efforts and environmental education.

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* 18. Please rate the accuracy of the following statement: Our students are generally interested in and engaged by school resource management efforts and environmental education activities.

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* 19. What would be helpful in advancing your school's environmental education programs? Check all that apply.

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* 20. Does your school currently have a hauler that picks up your recycling on site? Is it paper or mixed single-stream recycling? Do you know who the hauler/company is? Please provide as much detail as possible.

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* 21. Comments, Questions, Concerns? Please leave any additional information in this section regarding the Green Schools Program and if there is anything else we can do to support your efforts.