Dear Coordinator,

Thank you so much for your participation in the Madison County Green Schools Program. As part of the enrollment process, schools are required to complete the Benchmarking Survey below. The survey has several questions that relate to your school building's structure, grounds, and maintenance practices. It may be helpful to complete these questions with a custodian or member of your Facilities Maintenance staff. Please note that this survey is only required of schools that:

1. Have never participated in the Program previously
2. Have undergone major structural upgrades, changes, or additions to their building
3. Have not completed the Benchmarking Survey in the previous five years

All returning participants and new enrollees must complete the Goals and Interests Survey in order to receive their yearly stipend. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Lisa Rogers
Green Schools Coordinator

Question Title

* 1. School Information

Question Title

* 2. Coordinator Information

Does your school currently...

Question Title

* 3. Promote car-pooling, walking, or biking to school?

Question Title

* 4. Have a no-idling policy for vehicles?

Question Title

* 5. Have a garden or other natural area specifically designed to benefit local wildlife or used for education?

Question Title

* 6. Maintain grounds (i.e. mow the lawns etc) during morning or afternoon when students aren’t present?

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* 7. Minimize the amount of fertilizers and follow a conservative watering schedule?

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* 8. Have energy efficient window and/or doors?

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* 9. Have any sort of green building certification (i.e. LEED)?

Question Title

* 10. Use snow and ice melt that has a low environmental impact?

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* 11. Have a green or white reflective roof?

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* 12. Have permeable paving in parking lots or sidewalks? (Water passes through, rather than runs over.)

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* 13. Turn off outdoor lights during the daytime?

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* 14. Have waterless urinals, low-flow or dual flush toilets?

Question Title

* 15. Use automatic faucets?

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* 16. Utilize low-flow or other aeration devices on faucets?

Question Title

* 17. Post reminders to reduce water use?

Question Title

* 18. Maintain working drinking fountains?

Question Title

* 19. Regularly check and stop water leaks?

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* 20. Capture rain water or other gray water for reuse?

Question Title

* 21. Use environmentally safe cleaners?

Question Title

* 22. Use low VOC paints, floor waxes, and other chemicals?

Question Title

* 23. Regularly check/repair damaged floor and/or ceiling tile?

Question Title

* 24. Use hard surface flooring instead of carpet?

Question Title

* 25. Sweep outside sidewalks clean and use “walk-off mats” at all major entries?

Question Title

* 26. Conduct an annual green school (energy, waste, lighting, water or other) audit?

Question Title

* 27. Use fluorescent, compact fluorescent, or LED light bulbs?

Question Title

* 28. Use energy-saving devices (i.e. motion sensors, sleep modes, timers etc.) on equipment?

Question Title

* 29. Post reminders to turn off lights and computers if energy-saving devices are not available (i.e. a “Turn-it-Off” campaign)?

Question Title

* 30. Remove bulbs from fixtures in areas that have more light than necessary?

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* 31. Utilize natural or day-lighting over electrical lighting when possible?

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* 32. Have solar control window films that reduce heat gain in the summer and add insulation in the winter?

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* 33. Reduce heating/cooling when building is unoccupied?

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* 34. Have solar panels, wind turbines or other form of renewable-energy generation?

Question Title

* 35. Discourage use of personal refrigerators, space heaters or other appliances in classrooms?

Question Title

* 36. Purchase energy efficient appliances, computers, printers and other equipment?

Question Title

* 37. Have working thermostats in the classrooms?

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* 38. Maintain weather stripping  and caulking to control air leakage around doors and windows?

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* 39. Use locally produced foods in the cafeteria (i.e. grown and processed within 200 miles of the school,
which may include on school grounds)?

Question Title

* 40. Promote waste-free lunches?

Question Title

* 41. Compost food and/or landscaping waste?

Question Title

* 42. Use reusable, washable food ware?

Question Title

* 43. Recycle any of the following materials (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 44. Recycle any of the following non-traditional materials (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 45. Discourage use of disposable/plastic water bottles?

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* 46. Regularly print on both sides of paper?

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* 47. Use primarily electronic communication with faculty, staff, parents and community, rather than use paper handouts?

Question Title

* 48. Provide a laptop or tablet for each student to use?

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* 49. Purchase copy paper and office supplies with recycled content?

Question Title

* 50. Have a green school vision statement, school board/district policy or resolution?

Question Title

* 51. Have a green school action plan, guidelines or goals & regularly monitor progress?

Question Title

* 52. Have dedicated budget resources to support resource management efforts (besides Madison County stipend)?

Question Title

* 53. Integrate environmental education into the current curriculum?

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* 54. Take field trips to local natural areas or host environmental speakers?

Question Title

* 55. Have opportunities for students to participate in environmental or outdoor clubs or causes?

Question Title

* 56. Recognize the environmentally-related accomplishments of students & staff?

Question Title

* 57. Promote schools resource management efforts to students, parents and community through social media, newsletters, and/or press releases?

Question Title

* 58. Provide waste collection or environmentally-related community events at your school (i.e. electronics recycling, etc.)?

Question Title

* 59. Please describe any additional practices or features of your school, as they relate to resource conservation, or environmental education.

Thank you for completing the Green Schools Program Benchmarking survey!