Thank you for attending. Your feedback helps us improve the event. 

Question Title

* 1. Overall, how would you rate your experience at the 2023 Hybrid Symposium, attended virtually, on a scale of 1 to 5 stars? (Stars will fill up with color, up to 5 stars.)

Question Title

* 2. How many Cal-IPC Symposia have you attended?

Question Title

* 3. This was our first year going hybrid. As a virtual attendee, please tell us how it worked for you. How much would you agree with the following statements?

  Agree completely Agree somewhat Neither agree nor disagree Disagree somewhat Disagree completely
The platform was useful and helpful
I found it helpful to have so much content in the platform.
I was able to connect with people using the platform.
I enjoyed having the option to watch videos of missed sessions on the platform.
I found the app easy to use. 
I would use this option again if offered next year. 

Question Title

* 4. What portion of the online Symposium content were you able to attend?