2023 Phil Steinhauer Allied Industry Award

ELIGIBLE NOMINEES: nominees must be SCVMA Friends of the Association working in an industry (NON-PRIVATE PRACTICE or CORPORATE PRACTICE) setting. 
NOMINATION: nominees may come from anybody within the SCVMA Allied Industry Group or Friends of the Association.  The nominator must complete the attached form and submit by the deadline requested. The person who nominates the eventual winner MAY be asked to present the actual award.
SELECTION: using the information submitted, the SCVMA Board of Trustees will choose the eventual winner with input from the Chairs of the Allied Industry Committee.
Nominees should have demonstrated a long term and ongoing dedication to the veterinary profession and organized veterinary medicine. Their actions will have enhanced the knowledge and well being of veterinarians in the SCVMA.

A list of previous winners may be requested at scvmainfo@scvma.org 
Applications must be received by September 1, 2022

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* 1. Name of Nominee

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* 2. Company or companies that the nominee has worked for

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* 3. Person preparing application

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* 4. Preparer's Phone number

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* 5. Preparer's E-mail address

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* 6. Provide 3 specific examples of actions or activities that indicate a commitment to the veterinary profession and organized veterinary medicine