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Evaluation Quiz for Dementia Care During the Pandemic
Module 9 of the Dementia Training for NH Home Care & Hospice Program

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 3. With the example of Pearl, which of her reflexes and body systems are being impacted by the disease progression? (Check ALL that apply: THERE ARE 4 CORRECT ANSWERS)

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* 4. How should we keep the person with dementia engaged in a short video call?

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* 5. What are some risks of social isolation to the person living with dementia? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: SELECT THE SIX CORRECT ANSWERS)

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* 6. Alzheimer's disease is chronic and progressive. What do these terms mean in relation to what you have learned about dementia?

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* 7. What do people with dementia need?

  Yes, agree No, disagree
A detailed daily routine
Meaningful activities
Leisure activities
Self care, including personal care
Activities that use different senses

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* 8. Pearl's purple feet suggest poor circulation to the extremities. The following might occur: 

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* 9. Which of the following behaviors did Pearl exhibit which might impact her reaction to care? (THERE ARE FIVE THAT APPLY)

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* 10. Teepa encouraged participants to think creatively, and to use a variety of activities with our clients. Activities can be divided into two categories, Active and Passive. Please select the category that goes with each activity.

  Active Passive
A group zoom call; like a lecture, church service or other video conference
Painting, knitting or another hobby
Participating in a game
Watching others play a game
Rocking in a chair
Viewing a movie
Attending a sport event
Looking at the newspaper

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* 11. Which of the following are tips for communicating Teepa covered in this video? (CHECK ALL THE APPLY)

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* 13. Teepa Snow's "Positive Approach" Rules, which are in the handouts but not on the video, include the following: (CHECK ALL OF THEM) this question is not scored.

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* 14. How likely is it that you would recommend this Alzheimer's training to a friend or colleague?


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* 15. How well-organized was the course?

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* 16. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the online format?

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* 17. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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