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Evaluation Quiz for Dementia Care During the Pandemic
Module 9 of the Dementia Training for NH Home Care & Hospice Program

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 3. With the example of Pearl, which of her reflexes and body systems are being impacted by the disease progression? (Check ALL that apply: THERE ARE 4 CORRECT ANSWERS)

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* 4. How should we keep the person with dementia engaged in a short video call?

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* 5. What are some risks of social isolation to the person living with dementia? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: SELECT THE SIX CORRECT ANSWERS)

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* 6. Alzheimer's disease is chronic and progressive. What do these terms mean in relation to what you have learned about dementia?

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* 7. What do people with dementia need?

  Yes, agree No, disagree
A detailed daily routine
Meaningful activities
Leisure activities
Self care, including personal care
Activities that use different senses

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* 8. Pearl's purple feet suggest poor circulation to the extremities. The following might occur: 

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* 9. Which of the following behaviors did Pearl exhibit which might impact her reaction to care? (THERE ARE FIVE THAT APPLY)

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* 10. Teepa encouraged participants to think creatively, and to use a variety of activities with our clients. Activities can be divided into two categories, Active and Passive. Please select the category that goes with each activity.

  Active Passive
Looking at the newspaper
Painting, knitting or another hobby
Rocking in a chair
Viewing a movie
Watching others play a game
Attending a sport event
A group zoom call; like a lecture, church service or other video conference
Participating in a game

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* 11. Which of the following are tips for communicating Teepa covered in this video? (CHECK ALL THE APPLY)

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* 13. Teepa Snow's "Positive Approach" Rules, which are in the handouts but not on the video, include the following: (CHECK ALL OF THEM) this question is not scored.

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* 14. How likely is it that you would recommend this Alzheimer's training to a friend or colleague?


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* 15. How well-organized was the course?

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* 16. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the online format?

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* 17. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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