We appreciate your feedback on the Spring 2023 CESA Members Meeting. Your input will help us to figure out what we got right and what needs improvement. This survey should only take about 10 minutes to complete. Please complete the survey by Friday, June 2. 

If you'd like to refer back to the meeting agenda to help you complete the survey, here is a link: https://www.cesa.org/wp-content/uploads/2023-Meeting-Agenda.pdf 

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your contact info below.

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the quality and usefulness of each session.

  Poor Fair Good Excellent N/A
Introductory Networking Activity (5/15)
Challenges and Opportunities -- Energy Equity and Community Engagement Breakout Group (5/15)
Challenges and Opportunities -- Energy Storage Breakout Group (5/15)
New Federal Tax Credits: What States Should Know and Do (5/16)
Helping Disadvantaged Communities Benefit from Federal Incentives (5/16) 
Challenges and Opportunities -- Solar Breakout Group (5/16) 
Challenges and Opportunities -- Jobs/ Workforce Development/ Offshore Wind Breakout Group (5/16) 
States' Opportunities to Learn About and Engage with FERC (5/16) 
Addressing Cost Increases and Supply Chain Problems (5/16) 
Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Transmission and Interconnection (5/16) 

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* 3. Overall, the presentations and discussions in the sessions were of interest to me and/or relevant to my organization.

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* 4. For any of the topics at the CESA meeting, would you like CESA to present additional information in a webinar? If so, which topics and what would you like to learn more about?

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* 5. At this meeting, we held an evening reception with area clean energy stakeholders. In future meetings, should we hold similar receptions, or do a dinner for CESA members only?

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* 6. What did you find the most useful from the CESA meeting?

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* 7. What did you find the least interesting or useful about the CESA meeting?

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* 8. Are there any activities that we should include in future meetings that would improve this annual event?

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* 9. Please provide any information or suggestions that you may have regarding CESA meetings or our work going forward.

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* 10. How would you rate your stay at the Kellogg Conference Hotel?

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* 11. How would you rate the meeting venue (Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments offices)?

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* 12. To what extent was the meeting’s location in DC a factor in your decision to attend the meeting?

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* 13. How would you rate the meals provided?

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* 14. Any comments or suggestions on hotel, hotel reservation system, event venue, or meals?

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* 15. This meeting included 1.5 days of sessions plus an optional pre-meeting tour. Please let us know if you have any thoughts on the ideal length for future meetings.

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* 16. The 2023 CESA Members Meeting was immediately followed by the first State-Federal Summit on 100% Clean Energy. If there is another Summit next year, would you want these two events to be held back-to-back? Why or why not?