The impact of AI on governance in Australian NFPs

This survey is designed to help us understand your experience of using artificial intelligence applications in the context of working in a not-for-profit organisation as a staff member, volunteer or board member.   
All responses are confidential. Your answers will not be linked with your name or organisation, or shared except in de-identified aggregate form. Survey information is held by SurveyMonkey in the USA.  
The survey should take no longer than five - ten minutes to complete. 

Artificial intelligence is shortened to AI throughout.

The best response will win access to ICDA's Certified Community Director course – a prize valued at nearly $1000. Competition terms and conditions apply.

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* 5. What is your organisation’s approximate annual revenue?

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* 8. How do you build learning and build capacity in your organisation, in general?

Select all that apply.

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* 9. How tech-savvy do you feel your organisation is, in general, compared to similar organisations?

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* 10. What has been your organisation’s success rate in adopting new technology products in the past?

(eg a new customer management system, learning management system or other tool Success might mean that the tool has been widely adopted, without significant pushback.

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* 11. Who most decides whether to use any technology product (AI or otherwise) in your organisation?

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* 12. What AI applications do you most use in your organisation?

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* 13. What AI applications do you use in your organisation?
Tick as many as you wish.

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* 14. How do AI applications most help you in your organisation?

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* 15. How do AI applications help you in your organisation?
Choose as many answers as you wish.

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* 16. Who in your organisation currently most uses AI for work purposes?

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* 17. How would you describe your own attitude towards AI at the moment?

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* 18. How would you describe your organisation's attitude towards AI at the moment?

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* 19. In your organisation, how is AI typically integrated into the way you work? 

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* 20. Which of the following statements is true in your organisation?

Select all that apply. 

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* 21. What is your organisation’s appetite for risk in relation to AI in each of the following areas? 

  No appetite Little appetite Neutral Some appetite A lot of appetite
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* 22. How are AI risks identified in your organisation?

Select all responses that apply.

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* 23. How is the use of AI governed in your organisation? 

Governance means ensuring your organisation is accountable for rules, norms, decisions and behaviours within the organisation. Governance of AI would mean looking at whether the use of AI complies with the legal, ethical and sustainability requirements of the organisation.

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* 24. What unfulfilled opportunities do you think exist to use AI in your organisation?

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* 25. Have you seen the use of AI reversed or scaled back in your organisation? 

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* 26. The use of AI involves certain risks for not-for-profit organisations. What do you think are the most significant ones? (optional)

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* 27. What would you like management to do to manage those risks?

(In the next question, we will ask you what you would like the board to do.) 

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* 28. What would you like the board to do to manage those risks? (optional) 

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* 29. Do you think your organisation uses AI in the best possible way right now, or do you think there are more opportunities?

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* 30. What is your capacity as an organisation to pay for AI products and services in the near future? 

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* 31. What do you think are the ethical dilemmas for not-for-profit organisations regarding the use of AI applications? (optional) 

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* 32. How might you suggest not-for-profit organisations could use AI to support board governance? (optional) 

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* 33. How do you think not-for-profit organisations could use AI to increase productivity and effectiveness? (optional)

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* 34. How have you seen AI applications used well in your organisation? (optional)

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* 35. Do you have any other thoughts on the use of AI in your organisation or the wider NFP sector?

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* 36. If you don't mind if we get in touch to hear more about your experience of using AI in the NFP sector, please share your email. Thanks.

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* 37. We’ll award the opportunity to study the Certified Community Director course, valued at nearly $1000, to one survey respondent. The prize will be awarded to the person who writes the best comment as part of their survey response, as judged by ICDA general manager Adele Stowe-Lindner. Would you like your responses to be considered for the prize?

If yes, please enter your email address so we can contact you if you win.