Interested presenters are invited to submit one or more abstracts.

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) invites you to participate as a presenter at the 2023 Great Lakes PFAS Summit taking place December 5-7 as a virtual event. 

Participants may include local, state, and federal government officials; environmental consultants and vendors; academic researchers and students; industry managing PFAS contamination; and community organizations.

EGLE will be selecting roughly 24 abstracts among the submissions and will notify presenters in August 2023. Additionally, abstracts will also be considered for EGLE’s Remediation & Risk Management webinar series.  All primary presenters will receive a complimentary Summit registration.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract submission deadline: 11:59 PM, July 2, 2023.
Abstract Title: Limited to 12 words.
Abstract Length: Limited to 300 words.

Presentations should be at least 30 minutes, and not more than 40 minutes, in length.  Longer presentations should be submitted as two separate presentations of equal length (e.g., Part 1 and Part 2) .

Sessions will be hosted in Zoom.  Acceptable presentation formats are PowerPoint (.ppt) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf).  Sessions will be recorded and made available after the event.

Conference sessions will include the topic areas shown below. Please review the topics to consider the category where your presentation would best fit. Authors may suggest additional topics that are not on the list, but they must fit a general topic area related to PFAS.

  • Treatment/AFFF/Other: Example topics: new uses of treatment technologies and/or developing treatment technologies; pilot/field studies; remedial challenges and limitations; AFFF/fluorine-free foam replacements; AFFF clean-out technologies
  • Fate and Transport: Example topics: fate and transport in various media; site investigation and characterization; fingerprinting; precursor transformation
  • Human and Ecological Impacts: Example topics: fish and wildlife; PFAS in consumer goods; PFAS alternatives and assessment of toxicology; PFAS legislation and restrictions