Angela DeMichele, MD, MSCE
Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania

Dr. DeMichele discloses the following relationships with Genentech, Calthera, Pfizer, Novartis, Inivata

Question Title

* 1. Dr. Angela DeMichele - Teaching effectiveness (material presented was well organized and easy to follow)

Question Title

* 2. Content was useful and relevant

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* 3. Presentation was free of commercial bias

Question Title

* 4. Based on this session I am now better able to:

  Yes No
Understand the underlying biology of recurrence and minimal residual disease (MRD), including role of dormancy and mechanisms underlying it
Describe assays currently available to measure MRD and dormant cells for clinical trials and the challenges of their use in the clinic
Review state of clinical trials and current data on MRD and dormancy as a predictor of recurrence, within each biological subtype of breast cancer

Question Title

* 5. List specific strategies you plan to implement after viewing this workshop

Question Title

* 6. Based on previous knowledge and experience, rate the level of this workshop

Question Title

* 7. Please give any other comments you have on the course:

Question Title

* 8. Do you need a CE Credit Certificate?