Birch Bay/Blaine Thrives

Description:  This Blaine, Birch Bay and Point Roberts Community Survey for 2022 provides those who live and/or work in the community an opportunity to share their perspectives on community strengths, resources, youth, parent and community concerns, family support, substance use, and other related topics, including hopes and ideas for the future.

How  the information will be used:  This survey is anonymous, meaning that any results will not be attached to a person, but compiled and presented as a group.  Results from this survey will be used at monthly community meetings of Birch Bay/Blaine Thrives (a broad community network of school and community representatives) and shared with other community groups this year to inform discussions on how best we can support youth, families, and the communities of Blaine, Birch Bay, and Point Roberts.  Your feedback, for example, will initially help to guide the year's planning,  prioritizing local prevention projects and  shape new funding applications for Thrives.

Directions: If you live or work in the Blaine, Birch Bay, and Point Roberts and are high school-age or older, please answer the following questions by checking (some) and writing (others) your responses.  This 22-question survey will take about 12 minutes to complete. We would love to hear your opinions.  You may skip questions that you do not feel apply to you.  Please leave contact information at the end of the survey if you'd like to receive emails and information about "Thrives" this year.  (This survey is being administered through the Whatcom County Health Department by Community Resilience Research.)

Question Title

* 1. Personal Information (check all that apply)

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* 2. What do you see as strengths of the Blaine School District? - check all that apply.

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* 3. What are the main strengths of Birch Bay, Blaine, and Pt. Roberts as a community? (check all that apply)

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* 4. I have participated in the following activities or used the following resources (check all that apply).

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* 5. Programs or resources we need more of in Birch Bay, Blaine, or Pt. Roberts - please be specific.

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* 6. As a parent, youth, or community resident, what issues are you most concerned about for young people today? (check all that apply)

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* 7. If you could give one tip to other parents at this time, something that worked for you, what would it be?

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* 8. The next series of questions asks about family and community norms.

How often do you eat dinner as a family or household? (select one)

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* 9. I actively support young people's/my child’s interests. (select one)

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* 10. I talk to my child or other young people about things that are important to them or they worry about? (select one)

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* 11. Do you think it is OK for teenagers to drink at parties if they don’t get drunk? (select one)

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* 12. Do you think adults in our community feel it is OK for parents to offer their youth alcoholic beverages in their home? (select one)

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* 13. Do you allow youth to drink alcohol (more than a sip) in your home? (select one)

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* 14. When youth, 6th – 12th grade, go out in the evening or on the weekend, how often do you think MOST parents: (check one per line)

  Never Sometimes Most of the Time Always Don't Know
Ask who she/he will be with?
Ask where he/she is going?
Check to see if there will be adult supervision?
Set a time for her/him to be home?
Wait up until your child comes home?
Check to see if your child is under the influence of alcohol or drugs (talk with them, smell breath, check eyes)?

Question Title

* 15. When your child, 6th – 12th grade,  goes out in the evening or on the weekend, how often do YOU: (skip if you do not have children)

  Never Sometimes Most of the Time Always
Ask who she/he will be with?
Ask where he/she is going?
Check to see if there will be adult supervision?
Set a time for her/him to be home?
Wait up until your child comes home?
Check to see if your child is under the influence of alcohol or drugs (talk with them, smell breath, check eyes)?

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* 16. If you had to guess, how many tenth grade students in Blaine drank alcohol during the past 30 days? (select one)

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* 17. I am aware there is a community coalition or network of people in Birch Bay and Blaine working to promote healthy youth behaviors and activities?

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* 18. The next three questions are from the "Hope Scale" that have shown to positively indicate the overall well-being of a community.

I energetically pursue my goals. (select one)

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* 19. I can think of many ways to get the things in life that are important to me. (select one)

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* 20. I meet the goals I set for myself. (select one)

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* 21. Anything else you would like to add?

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* 22. If you would like to stay connected with Birch Bay-Blaine Thrives and the results of this survey, or if you would like support with any of the topics covered in this survey, please give us your name, affiliation, and email.  For support you can reach out to your child's school by calling the main office. They can connect you with your school counselor, Family Service Center, or BBB Thrives team.