TAMU LS Career Services Exit Survey - Spring 2022

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.  We know that it is a busy time for you and we sincerely appreciate it. Each year, the ABA, NALP, and US News ask us for employment and demographic information of our graduates.  In December 2022/January 2023, you will receive a second survey.  The information that you provide will only be used in the aggregate by these entities in their reports.  Thank you again.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your full name and contact information (all fields are required):

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* 2. Please enter your UIN:

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* 3. Future Contact Information (if different from above):

Question Title

* 4. Please enter today's date (required):


Question Title

* 5. Transfer Student?

Question Title

* 6. Program type at time of graduation (required):

Question Title

* 7. Age at Graduation:

Question Title

* 8. Birth Date:

Question Title

* 9. Gender Identity:

Question Title

* 10. I identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and/or Queer (LGBTQ)

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* 11. Race/Ethnicity (you may check up to two):

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* 12. Disability

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* 13. Veteran Status (check if applicable):

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* 14. What is the highest level of education completed by either of your parents (or the people who raised you)? (select one)

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* 15. Do either of your parents (or the people who raised you) have a JD?