2022 Olmsted Parks Conservancy Year End Survey Olmsted Parks Conservancy is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising money and getting volunteers to help improve Louisville’s 17 Olmsted Parks. Listening to the community is important to us. Your input will be used to help inform future programs, projects and events. We value your feedback! Question Title * 1. Which Olmsted Park(s) do you visit? Algonquin Baxter Square Bingham Boone Square Central Cherokee Chickasaw Elliott Iroquois Seneca Shawnee Shelby Stansbury Tyler Victory Wayside Willow Question Title * 2. How did you hear about us? Word of mouth Social media E-newsletter Radio Community Event Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What are your specific park interests? (please rank in order of importance) Question Title * 4. Which, if any, Olmsted Park event(s) have you attended? Ballet Bound Breakfast Summer Series Free Play Pet Clinic Guided Walks 1891 Society Beer Garden Hayride Tennis Clinic Volunteer Event or Training Question Title * 5. Overall, what was your level of satisfication of the activity or activities? Question Title * 6. Do you think that more park programming or events would be beneficial for the park and the community? Yes No Question Title * 7. Please rank the types of programming or events that you would like to see in order of importance. Most important = 1 ; Least = 10 Question Title * 8. Do you, or would you, host events in the park? Yes No Question Title * 9. If not, what might prevent you from hosting an event or gathering in the park? Condition of the park and facilities Paperwork for event permit Park rental fees Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. Are you a current member of Olmsted Parks Conservancy? Yes No I don't know Question Title * 11. Why are you, or would you become, a member of Olmsted Parks Conservancy? I am a frequent user of Louisville's Olmsted Parks and Parkways. I believe access to public greenspace is important for a healthy community. I want to help Olmsted Parks Conservancy keep the Olmsted Parks and Parkways clean and green. I want to make sure that all 17 Olmsted parks are safe, vibrant and inclusive for future generations to come. Question Title * 12. How often are we communicating with you about: not enough just right too much Improvement projects in the Olmsted Parks Improvement projects in the Olmsted Parks not enough Improvement projects in the Olmsted Parks just right Improvement projects in the Olmsted Parks too much Community events in the Olmsted Parks Community events in the Olmsted Parks not enough Community events in the Olmsted Parks just right Community events in the Olmsted Parks too much Member events, benefits, and perks Member events, benefits, and perks not enough Member events, benefits, and perks just right Member events, benefits, and perks too much Volunteer events Volunteer events not enough Volunteer events just right Volunteer events too much Question Title * 13. Which of the following membership benefits are you interested in? Question Title * 14. How likely are you to begin or renew a membership next year? Extremely likely Very likely Somewhat likely Not so likely Not at all likely Question Title * 15. Are you a current volunteer? Yes No Question Title * 16. How likely are you to volunteer with our organization in the future? Extremely likely Very likely Somewhat likely Not so likely Not at all likely Question Title * 17. What schedule works best for you volunteer? Weekdays Evenings Weekends Question Title * 18. What type of volunteer project do you like best? Special event Natural areas Landscaping Structure maintenance (painting, etc.) Other (please specify) Question Title * 19. Overall, how satisfied are you with Olmsted Parks Conservancy? Extremely satisfied Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Slightly satisfied Not satisfied at all Question Title * 20. How responsive have we been to your questions or concerns? Extremely responsive Very responsive Somewhat responsive Not so responsive Not at all responsive Not applicable Question Title * 21. What is your preferred email address? (share here to enter a gift drawing) Question Title * 22. What is your zip code? 40203 40204 40205 40206 40207 40208 40209 40210 40211 40212 40213 40214 40215 40216 40217 40218 40220 40223 40229 40241 Other (please specify) Question Title * 23. What is your gender identification? Non-binary Male Female Prefer not to answer Prefer to self describe Question Title * 24. What is your age? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Question Title * 25. What is your total household income? Less than$20,000 $20,000 to $34,999 $35,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $74,999 $75,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $149,999 $150,000 or more Prefer not to say Done