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* 1. Which is TRUE about American Academy of Pediatrics' screening recommendations for general development and autism?

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* 2. Which are recommended to be included, among others, as components of developmental surveillance by the American Academy of Pediatrics?

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* 3. Which of the following is TRUE regarding treatment of adolescents with fluoroquinolone antibiotics?

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* 4. In Staph Scalded Skin Syndrome, where is the level of cleavage that occurs within the skin?

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* 5. A 9-year-old girl presents to clinic with 5 days of cough and congestion and 2 days of fever (Tmax 101.2) and increased work of breathing.  On physical exam, her heart rate is 110, respiratory rate is 35, and oxygen saturation is 92% in room air. You note crackles in her right lower lobe.  Because she is overall well-appearing, you elect to treat her as an outpatient. She has no known antibiotic allergies.  What antibiotic choice and duration is the BEST option to prescribe to treat her illness?

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* 6. When is a person infected with monkeypox no longer considered to be infectious?

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* 7. Which of the following was a contributor to the increase of adolescent depression and anxiety symptoms noted during the COVD-19 pandemic?

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