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The Kansas Association of Counties (KAC) Annual Conference and Exhibition offers 2.5-days of educational sessions, networking opportunities, vendor exhibition, and much more. Your participation matters to us! KAC would like your input on this year's conference and exposition that took place October 17-19, 2022, in Overland Park/Johnson County, KS.  Please complete this survey on Monday, November 14, 2022. Thank you for sharing your valuable Kansas County member participant input!

Question Title

* 1. KAC values your attendee participant input at this year's 2022 KAC Annual Conference and Exposition. If you would like to be entered into a drawing for a FREE 2023 KAC Full Conference and Exposition Registration, please complete this survey and provide your full contact information as follows. (This is optional.)

Question Title

* 2. Were you a first-time attendee at this year's 2022 KAC 47th Annual Conference and Exposition?

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* 3. Did you attend this year's 2022 KAC 47th Annual Conference & Exposition as: ...

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* 4. Do you plan to attend the 2023 KAC 48th Annual Conference and Exposition scheduled for Tuesday-Thursday, December 5-7, 2023 at the Century II Convention Center and Hyatt Regency Hotel in Wichita/Sedgwick County, KS?

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* 5. My Kansas County is:

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* 6. What was the highlight(s) of this year's conference and exposition for you?

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* 7. Please evaluate the following components of the conference and exhibition:

  Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
Overall quality of conference
Overall quality of vendor exposition
KAC conference management & customer service
Courtesy & efficiency of onsite registration staff
Breakfast Meals
Lunch Meals
Refreshment Breaks
Vendor Exhibits Exposition
Exposition Dinner
Exposition Dinner Event Activities - Photo Booth, Golf Simulator, and Corn Hole

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following educational workshops that you attended did you find most helpful and informational?

  Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
Budgeting for Kansas Counties
No Matter the Weather: NWS Service Programs Keep Kansas Counties and Citizens Safe and Informed
Grant Writing: An Important Tool in your County’s Toolbox
Keynote Presentation: Kansas Department of Transportation -  Kansas Infrastructure Hub & BIL Program
Property Appraisals – The Process and the Results
Tips for FEMA Mitigation Grant Success
A Brief Overview of the Opioids Settlements
The Next 10 Years: What the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) means for Kansas Counties and the New Energy Economy
Department of Homeland Security Programs Which Coordinate Cyber Preparedness, Risk Mitigation, and Incident Response for Your County
Biggest Asset. Let’s Talk Employee Retention.
Asset Management and Funding Opportunities for County Roads & Bridges
Constituent Communication & Engagement Best Practices
Keynote Presentation: Kansas Department of Commerce - A New Era of Kansas Growth
Keynote Presentation: Kansas Housing Resource Corporation - Moderate Income Housing Funding Available for Kansas Counties
Understanding the Past, Present and Future of Vaccines and Public Health: An Overview for Policymakers
Balancing Values to Build Community Within County Leadership
Why Pre-Event Planning is Important for Effective Post Disaster Response
Breakout Sessions by County Populations
Public Health Emergency Preparedness: A State and Local Overview
How to Read Kansas Statutes
Conditional and Special Use Permits
Records Retention and Preservation
Women of KAC Gathering Presentation: Amelia Earhart’s Journey to the Nation’s Capital
Women of KAC Gathering Presentation: United WE's Women of Legacy

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* 9. What topics would you most like to learn about or discuss at future KAC educational offerings (webinar, conferences, in-person classes, etc.)?

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* 10. What suggestions or recommendations do you have that you would like to see incorporated into next year's conference and exposition?

0 of 10 answered