RAR groups 2022 update

1.Name of your group
2.Is your group (select one)
3.Group contact person
4.Group contact email
5.Postal address for the group
6.Do you have a website?
7.Do you have a Facebook account?
8.Do you have a Twitter account?
9.Do you have an Instagram account?
10.Can we pass your contact details to people who want to join your group?
11.Can we pass your details to refugees or people seeking asylum?
12.Can we pass your details to local media who ask for contacts?
13.Have you completed a membership form for RAR?
14.Does your group usually make a voluntary contribution to RAR National?
15.Do you pass on RAR Updates to your members?
16.Do you like the Updates in an email (as we do now) or as an attachment?
17.Do your group members use the RAR / ARAN letter-writing kits?
18.Any other comments?