About the CSCM 2022 National F&B Management Conference Rapid Fire Peer Presentation Format

The CSCM National Food & Beverage Management Conference will be held on March 5 - 8, 2022.  This will be the second year the Rapid Fire peer presentations will be held at this conference after its inaugural success. This education session is intended to stimulate new ideas, present solutions to common challenges, and encourage dialogue with your colleagues. 

Format:  Five to ten minutes for presentation and five minutes for Q& A. Attendees enjoy learning in this fast-paced session that offers the freedom to present great content. 

Possible topics include, but are not limited to: 

  • How your club has adapted to recent changes
  • A new approach your club has taken to a common issue
  • New technologies that have saved your club time and/or money 
  • Trends you think will affect the clubs in the coming years 
  • Solutions you think club managers will appreciate 
  • Life-changing and even life-saving tips you want to share 
  • Wacky ideas that you think your peers might want to hear
Selection: Submissions will be peer reviewed and selected based on the quality of the application and the availability of time in the conference schedule.  The format will be moderated and the allocated presentation time will be monitored.

Should you wish to submit more than one presentation idea, exit your first survey and re-open this link using the incognito function on your internet browser or delete your browser cookies/cache in order to gain access to the survey again.

The 2022 National F&B Management Conference will be held in person in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. However, if you are unable to attend in person, accommodations can be made for a virtual or recorded presentation delivery.

If you have any further questions about this submission process, please contact  events@cscm.org

CSCM looks forward to further showcasing our talented members!
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25% of survey complete.