Leadership in Aging Award

his award honors an individual for outstanding leadership in the field of aging within the State of Texas. The award seeks to recognize those who offer innovative ideas and create conditions for progress in-network service delivery. Candidates must be widely recognized as leaders by their peers and demonstrate a commitment to the state’s aging community. 

Please complete this form for each organization or agency being nominated.
Nominations are due by Thursday, June 30, 2022.

Question Title

* 1. Organization or Program Name

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* 2. Organization Point of Contact's Name

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* 3. Organization Point of Contact's Preferred Contact Phone Number

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* 4. Organization Point of Contact's Email Address

Question Title

* 5. Years of Implementation of Organization or Program

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* 6. Organization or Program's Website URL
(If applicable.)

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* 7. Please list and describe any innovative, creative or advanced ideas and/or projects the organization or agency has implemented or worked on for the benefit of older adults.

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* 8. Please list any successes or achievements the organization or agency has accomplished in the field of aging.

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* 9. Please list and describe any partnerships the organization or agency has worked with to further pursue their work with older adults. 

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* 10. Please list any background information about the organization or nominee that makes them stand out above others.

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* 11. Please add any further information you believe is important for the Award Committee to review in their consideration of this organization for the Innovative Programs Building Partnerships Award.

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* 12. Nominator's Name

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* 13. Nominator's Present Organization and Position

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* 14. Nominator's Preferred Contact Phone Number

Question Title

* 15. Nominator's Email Address

Thank you for completing an Aging in Texas Conference Innovative Programs Building Partnerships Award nomination form. We will be in touch soon to confirm submission of this form. If you have any questions, please contact Talia Milan at tmilan@txregionalcouncil.org or by calling 512-478-4715.

Still need to register for the 2022 Aging in Texas Conference? Click HERE! For more conference information visit www.agingintexas.org.