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* 1. On March 29th, the team hit their capacity of 23 paddlers and cannot accept more paddlers.  If you would like to be added to the Waiting List in case anyone drops out, please complete this registration form starting with your full name (first and last).

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* 2. Enter your email address.

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* 3. [Optional] Please enter your phone number (cell number if you have one).

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* 4. Please indicate your dragon boat paddling history (no experience is required).

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* 5. [Optional] Please let us know if you have any medical concerns we should know for your benefit in an emergency.  If applicable, state what it is and what the expected course of action is in an emergency.

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* 6. Please let us know the name, relationship to you, and contact information (phone preferable) of someone you would like to be your emergency contact.

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* 7. Membership with this team requires full COVID-19 vaccination as defined by Health Canada.  Additionally, the club highly recommends members obtain COVID-19 booster shots ASAP where applicable and available to you. Membership also requires you to follow club COVID-19 protocols at any team gatherings (practices, regattas, social events, etc). 

The club takes the COVID-19 pandemic seriously and will adapt as new government policies are implemented for your protection or we deem changes are needed.  Any violations of these policies will result in immediate removal from the club and team, and the individual being banned from future participation with any teams or activities within the club.

If you are NOT fully vaccinated, please DO NOT proceed with this registration form as you are not eligible to join the team.  You can close this Survey Monkey window without clicking the "Done" button.

If you are fully vaccinated as defined above and will be obtaining booster shots when able, please signify this by selecting "Yes" below and then click the "Done" button.