Registration is Required. No Walk-ins allowed!

13's: 2-3:30PM; 9/19, 2020
2020-21 NC Volleyball Academy
Open Gym Registration Form - FREE
Pre-Registration is REQUIRED through this module to attend our free open gyms in preparation for upcoming club season tryouts. Walk-ins are not allowed. 

We welcome athletes to attend our open gyms to allow athletes to participate in volleyball in an organized and structured competitive setting that fits their athletic abilities, experience and skill level. Athletes will be given the opportunity to work with our coaches who will instill in the athletes a positive experience where the athletes can enjoy the game of volleyball through positive feedback, teaching and competitive play.

Open gyms are scheduled by ages that are based off the USAV age eligibility definitions.

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* 1. Player Info

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* 2. Player's DOB


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* 4. 2020 Club & Team Played/Volleyball Experience

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* 5. Your USAV Age Group(New for 2021)
- In general, Academy would like to  keep athletes in their 'peer group' (school grade).
- For players who would like to "play up" or "play down" based on the 2021 new age cut, please contact us( first.

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* 6. 13's Open Gym

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In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in any North Carolina Volleyball Academy (ACADEMY) program, related event and activities, I acknowledge that:
1. The risk of injury from the activities involved in this program is significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis and death.
2. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks both known and unknown, Even if arising from the negligence of the releasees or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation; and, 
3.  I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation. If however, I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest Club Director immediately: and,
4.  I acknowledge that I am aware that there are risks to me of exposure to directly or indirectly arising out of, contributed to, by, or resulting from:
* An outbreak of any and all communicable disease, including but not limited to, the virus "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)", which is responsible for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and/or any mutation or variation thereof,

My signature below, certifies that I, as parent/guardian with legal responsibility for the participant, do consent and agree to his/her release as provided above of all the Releasees, and, for myself, my heirs, assigns, and next of kins, I release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless ACADEMY, its officers, officials, agents and/or employees, other participants, and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the event, from any and all claims, demands, losses, and liability arising out of or related to any injury, disability or death I may suffer, or loss or damage to person or property, whether arising from the negligence of the releasees or otherwise, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
I have read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement, fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and sign it freely and voluntarily without any inducement.
In addition, I hereby agree that ACADEMY may use images of my child on its website or in other promotional literature, recruiting guides and other media related to the function of ACADEMY.
In order to release individual pictures and statistics to the press, another coach, newspapers, television, radio, or the website, a parent’s signature is required to authorize permission to publish this information.   Please sign in the space provided below to authorize release of this information.

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* 8. COVID-19 Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability
NC Volleyball Academy (hereafter referred to as the “Club”) has put in place numerous preventative measures and enhanced cleaning protocols to reduce the likelihood of spreading COVID-19 in Club’s gym environment; however, the Club cannot guarantee that you or your child(ren) will not become infected with COVID-19. Further, attending sponsored activities at the Club could increase your risk and your child(ren)’s risk of contracting COVID-19.
By signing this agreement, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily agree to the participation terms described above and assume the risk that my child(ren) and I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending the Club and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death.
I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at the Club may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, Club Directors, Coaches, Athletes and their families. I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to my child(ren) or myself (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that I or my child(ren) may experience or incur in connection with my child(ren)’s attendance at the Club or participation in Club programming (“Claims”).
On my behalf, and on behalf of my children, I hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless the Club, its employees, agents, and representatives, of and from the Claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto.
I understand and agree that this release includes any Claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of the Club, its employees, agents, and representatives, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation in any Club activity.

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* 10. Date authorized


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* 11. THANK YOU!

You will NOT receive a confirmation email for your registration, but you will be able to edit your responses. Please mark your calendar for the programs you selected and we will see you soon at Open Gym!