All Minnesotans deserve to weather this pandemic and thrive beyond it. As state lawmakers begin to assemble a two year budget, we are beginning a conversation about how to build a better future for every family, every small business, every student, and every Minnesotan.

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* 1. Please enter your contact information below. 

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* 2. To subscribe to Rep. Moran's email list, please enter your email address below.

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* 3. COVID has impacted all of our lives, but it hasn’t hit everyone equally. How have you or your family been impacted by COVID-19? (Check all that apply)

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* 4. What concerns you most about the future for yourself, your family, and your community?

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* 5. As we rebuild from COVID and move forward together, what would most help you, your family, and your community?

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* 6. House Democrats are committed to building a Minnesota where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. What comes to mind when you think of how to build a Minnesota that works better for everyone?

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* 7. How do you want to work with your elected leaders to make this change happen?