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2021 Summit Attendee Survey

Thank you for attending this year's Summit and for providing your feedback! These responses will directly inform next year's programming.

Question Title

* 1. How did you attend Summit?

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* 2. How would you rate the following aspects of Summit 2021?

  Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Overall Event Value
Overall Event Experience
Overall Content Value
Overall Platform Experience
Registration Process
Q&A Sessions & Chats
Event Communications

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* 3. Of the sessions you attended, how many would you consider valuable and informative?

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* 4. Did you feel like the sessions were more inspirational, tactical, or a balance of both? (Slide the scale!)

Inspirational Tactical
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 5. Which programming did you find the most valuable?

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* 6. Which programming did you find the least valuable?

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* 7. What topics would you have added to the agenda this year or would suggest we consider for next year?

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* 8. Which of the evening networking events did you really enjoy? (Select as many or as few as you’d like.)

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* 9. How many Ed-Fi events (in-person or virtual) have you attended in the past?

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* 10. Was this your first time at the Ed-Fi Summit?

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* 11. How likely are you to participate in another Ed-Fi event?

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* 12. For our next Ed-Fi Summit, how are you more likely to attend?

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* 13. If you do plan to attend in person, what factors would contribute to making that decision?

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* 14. If you plan to attend virtually, what factors would contribute to making that decision?

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* 15. If you are not planning to attend Summit 2022 in any format, please share your reasoning.

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* 16. Outside of our conferences, how often do you use Ed-Fi’s online resources and community?

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* 17. How can Ed-Fi improve our online resources and community?

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* 18. Which best describes your workplace?

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* 19. Which best matches your job title?

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* 20. What was your primary motivation for talking to others at the event?

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* 21. How did you talk to people at the event?

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* 22. If attending the event in person, how did you use your mobile phone during the event?

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* 23. Were you satisfied with the quality and amount of pre-event communication emails?

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* 24. How did you hear about Ed-Fi Summit?

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