12% of survey complete.

Catherine Alman MacDonagh and Silvia Coulter invite you to participate in a short online survey about rainmaking for women lawyers. This 2021 Legal Sales and Services Organization (LSSO) Women’s Rainmakers Study continues the work we first began in 2003 to assess and identify the practices that lead to business development success.

More than ever, women lawyers are a vitally important group with specific needs to address. We are actively seeking support for our work from any organization or association in the ecosystem. To learn more about sponsoring our work either financially, with outreach efforts, or by other means, and to inquire about a presentation and learn about the Legal Sales and Service Organization, please visit LSSO at www.legalsales.org or contact Catherine at cam@legalsales.org or Silvia at scoulter@legalsales.org.

By clicking on the Next button below, you indicate that you consent to participate in this study. You may print out a copy of this consent form for your records.

Please note: Your part in this study is anonymous to the researchers. However, because of the nature of web-based surveys, it is possible that respondents could be identified by the IP address or other electronic record associated with the response. Neither the researcher nor anyone involved with this survey will be capturing that data. Because of the privacy procedures in place, no one will match your name with your responses. Any reports or publications based on this research will use only group data and will not identify you or any individual affiliated with this project.

Thank you for your time and for contributing to our understanding of what works for women lawyers to share this knowledge.

Catherine Alman MacDonagh, JD                                    Silvia L. Coulter
  Co-Founder                                                                          Co-Founder
Legal Sales and Service Organization                             Legal Sales and Service Organization
  CEO                                                                                        Principal
Legal Lean Sigma Institute LLC                                        Law Vision Group
FIRM Guidance Consulting

Silvia and Catherine are co-authors of The Women Lawyer's Rainmaking Game: How to Build a Successful Law Practice, 3rd edition. They are updating and will publish a new version of the book under the title The Women Lawyer's Rainmaking Guide.