Dear teachers,

THANK YOU for all your hard work.

The critical success factor of SSEP is you - so thank you for the dedication and effort you have made to work with your employer partners.   It has been fantastic to see the outstanding in-class and workplace experiences you have made happen this year.  

Over the past 5 years, student feedback has shown again and again that your willingness and efforts to include local industry as part of your teaching practice is having a profound impact on many of your students self-perceptions and ambitions.

Could you please provide your thoughts and reflections about your SSEP experience this year and what you hope to see in 2022.

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* 1. Which school are you from?

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* 2. I am a:

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* 3. How many years have you been involved in SSEP?

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* 4. Please comment on your SSEP experience this year. What went well from your perspective and what areas could be improved upon for next year (anticipating either normalcy or another disrupted year)?

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* 5. Which statement/s best describe your relationships with your employer partners? (tick all that apply)

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* 6. What is the biggest impact SSEP has had on you/your teaching practice?  (please share any examples that particularly stands out to you or illustrates this)

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* 7. What is the biggest impact SSEP has had on your students? (please share any student story that particularly stands out to you or illustrates this)

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* 8. COVID VACCINATION IMPACT ON SSEP FOR 2022.  Our advice from Ministry of Education is that SSEP employer partners should be treated as 'volunteers', and therefore will require vaccination to come into school.  Please comment on your school's policy on what this will mean for EOTC (workplace/site visits).  Please note if this is unknown at this time.

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* 9. Have you used the online SSEP Resource Centre this year?

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* 10. If you HAVE used the online SSEP Resource Centre, what have you found useful? (Tick all that apply)

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* 11. From your perspective what steps could be put in place to ensure on-going sustainability of SSEP at your school?

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* 12. How can you see SSEP expanding across your school? (e.g. across faculties, into senior school etc.)

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* 13. Is there anything Smart Waikato can do better to improve your experience with SSEP?

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* 14. Any other general comments/feedback about SSEP?

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* 15. Name (optional)