Member organizations of the Vermont Coalition for Employment and Prosperity are working together to encourage the state's Legislature and the Administration to prioritize public health and economic recovery as we enter the second year of the COVID-19 crisis. 

We hope you will take a moment to complete the survey for Vermont businesses below to help us in this effort.  Your answers will be kept strictly confidential and used only in the aggregate.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the organization that sent you this survey request. Thank you for your time and assistance!

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* Contact Information

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* Would additional financial support be necessary for your business to continue operations in 2021?

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* What would be the most helpful assistance the state could provide for your business in 2021?

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* Do you believe that the Legislature should only consider legislation to address the health and economic impacts of COVID-19 and not other policy issues during the 2021 legislative session?

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* Should the Legislature and Administration avoid new taxes, fees, mandates, or other laws or regulations adding new costs or administrative burdens while Vermont businesses are working to recover from the impacts of COVID-19?

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* Should the Legislature and Administration work to delay increases in UI taxes due to start in July stemming from COVID-19's impact on the UI Trust Fund?

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* Would you be interested in any of the following to support your answers above?

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* Do you have any additional comments, questions, or suggestions?

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* To help facilitate communication between you and business organizations you might be members of, please indicate any organizations below that you would like to receive your survey responses.